09 February 2025

My Sunday Photos

I used to love doing the Silent Sunday blog hop every week, without fail I'd been sitting there at midnight on a Saturday night along with many others waiting for the linky to go live and when it did we were off

Head and shoulders shot of a very wet Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel in the woods, his ears are heavy with water and he's wearing his green fleece jumper as he looks at the camera
Image Description - Head and shoulders shot of a very wet Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel in the woods, his ears are heavy with water and he's wearing his green fleece jumper as he looks at the camera 
I've said it before that because of having had such a long break we've lost contact with so many in the blogging community, but we've since found some amazing new blogs to follow and blog hops to join in with each week (or when I have the time)

The blogging community is still very much alive I'm pleased to say and as wonderfully supportive as they ever were previously 

Some of my favorite blog hops can be found in the right hand column if you want to explore them for yourselves 

A head and shoulders shot of Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel looking adorable and funny out in the woods, one ear has blown over onto the top of his head and turned inside out, meanwhile his tongue has rolled backwards into his mouth giving a rather comedic look to the whole photo
Image Description - A head and shoulders shot of Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel looking adorable and funny out in the woods, one ear has blown over onto the top of his head and turned inside out, meanwhile his tongue has rolled backwards into his mouth giving a rather comedic look
I recently decided treat myself to a new phone using some of the money I've saved since I gave up smoking and opted for the Google Pixel 9 this time as I really love the camera on my Pixel 6

So far I've not noticed a great deal of difference between the 9 & 6 apart from it having a much larger memory, I was under the impression there were a lot more camera functions but so far I've not found them or figured them out which is a bit disappointing

I've also found that annoyingly I need to remember to wear my glasses whenever I'm taking photos now. On the Pixel 6 I could trust that 90% of the photos would be in focus, whereas on the Pixel 9 it's been very hit and miss so far and it's usually a miss with many of my photos only fit for the trash bin

Maybe I just need to spend more time trying to figure it all out, technology and I aren't the best of friends after all

Until next time 

Dawn, Boris & Eko xxx 

This Post is linked too
The Cat on my head

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  1. Love your smile, Boris, and Eko, your tongue makes smile☺

  2. Your Sunday selfie photos are a delight. Superbly composed and taken. Whatever phone you have, I do think it is as much intention and composition as anything.
    You all have a wonderful week

  3. Those are fun photos you two! Good luck with the new phone, they can be challenging sometimes.

  4. What great photos of your dogs! To err is human, but to really foul things up requires technology.

  5. Thanks so much for joining our Sunday Selfies blog hop. Though after ten years of it, Mom has tired a little, our friends still demand we have the hop every week. We certainly hope you will come back often. Our mom has more blurry photos than good ones, so don't feel bad. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  6. These are two fine portrait.s.

  7. Those are great selfies, full of vim and vigour!


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