Bit of a weird day today filled with much sadness for our Queen, I didn't watch the funeral but I will at a later date when I feel more up to it
Sadly last week I was also informed of the death of a good friend and work colleague of many years, which has made me feel very out of sorts at the moment
Dad Update
Dad is doing OK and yesterday managed 8 stairs up and down in the gym, so they're looking to send him home soon, normally it would have been yesterday, I was in for 5 days for each of my knees, but it's felt that dad is going to need some extra help with carers at home for a short time until he's built his strength back up
He should have had his knee done years ago, but he's so damn polite and hates making a fuss that he slipped through the net by insisting he could manage
When I pushed for it originally after mum's stroke dad was so much fitter, as the day of his surgery approached I asked him many times if he was sure it was what he wanted, knowing how hard the recovery can be I was starting to worry it might be too much for him as he's quite frail now