03 January 2022

Ten Year Round Up

I don't really know where to start with rounding up the past 10 years

So much has happened 

Myself in Blackpool with a Slush Puppy in my hand licking the straw wearing a purple fleece and ginger hair

I was forced into medical retirement from the job I loved 

I discovered I love gardening and got myself an allotment

Sweet Badger Boo crossed the Rainbow Bridge

I went on a cruise and loved it

I flew for the first time and hated it

Photo Description:- A much older me wearing a blue sweatshirt with shoulder length grey hair attempting to take a selfie which I'm rubbish at

I'm still sticking two fingers up to the universe after being diognosed with AIH and only given 3-5 years before needing a transplant in November 2000 

Boris my little Superhero came into my life

I have the best partner ever who puts up with all my drama without ever complaining or making me feel bad

We've both been through some really tough times with our health

But we're still here

 Still living life to the full, although a lot slower than we were 10 years ago

Dawn xxx



  1. We're slower here too and we're all sending you hugs and positive thoughts!

    1. Thank you Brian, glad it's not just us being slower than we once were xxx


Thank you for stopping by to say Hello xxx