09 August 2014

Intruder Alert #WeekendSmile [27]

 It's bad enough I'm tormented by Stalker Cat, now Mr Toad thinks he can come and go whenever the mood takes him.

When I growl at him to go away, he just sits there looking at me because he knows mummy will protect him.

Doesn't bother her that I'm scared of him.
Oh No!
 "He's good luck" she says, "He's allowed to stay"

It's not fair!
 I've always protected my garden from intruders, and suddenly I'm not allowed to chase this one off. I think I'll have ti start letting Stalker Cat back in, see how she like that when he starts digging up her flowers and poops.
**muffled giggles behind paws**

Hope you all have a pawsome weekend.

Badger Boo's Daft Adventures   Badger Boo's Daft Adventures
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  1. Toads are one of the few intruders Lee doesn't bark at. Her advice, don't lick him, he will taste yucky.

  2. We think our peeps would do the same. That is humans for you BB they never abide by their own rules. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. That's a handsome toads, Badger Boos, but don't lets their goods look fool you. They will defecates some distastful stuffs into you mouth if you trys to gets them ... I speaks from experiences. My advice to yous is to walks big circles arounds him and he will disappear unders the leaves kindas like magics. Good lucks to yous ... I knows about mixed messages from parents. Maybes I will talks about thats next weeks. You has a good weeks, Badger Boos.

    Izzi @ From The Sol


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