10 May 2013

Oops Hello Mummy **gulp**

I don't know about you, but I find there's nothing quite as satisfying as a successful Bin Raid. All those lovely goodies hoomans don't want, put in there just waiting for me to come along and investigate.

As any pup knows success is all about enjoying those goodies, but NOT getting caught in the process. Normally I'll lay in my bed whilst she surveys the mess, trying to convince her with my eyes that Stalker Cat broke in again and did it.
I'm pretty sure she falls for it every time **muffled giggles behind paws**

Oops Hello mummy **gulp**
So getting caught running around with the evidence jammed on my snozzer when she came home, was most definitely not my finest hour!

Badger Boo's Daft Adventures

Now lets see who else is smiling today :o)


  1. Haha! Poor Badger Boo, not easy to be stealthy with a tub of - what? - chocolate icing!? x

  2. Epic bin raid Boo. Peeps throw so much away you got to just help with the recycling. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Hahahaha Badger Boo you do make me laugh xxxxxx

  4. Aw the bin raid, good try, but sometimes we do get caught. Have a great day! Lee and Phod

  5. So cute, that looks like a Betty Crocker tub so I can imagine it was a tasty find, have a fabulous weekend.

  6. Anonymous10 May, 2013

    Poor Badger Boo!! You can always tell your mom that you were framed by Stalker Cat...l.she may take pity on you and show you some mercy. :)

  7. Caught in the act, he he - we've all been there :-)

  8. You is lucky, Badger Boo. My Mom keeps her garbage in a drawer that closes. Even Diva(the devil child), can't open it. (Diva is my cat sibling). Buts, not all is lost ... My Auntie has regular garbage bin which Diva and I goes for ... not much to be had though :( Sorry you gots caught. Better lucks next time ...

    Izzi @ From The Sol

  9. Major bummer...nothing worse that getting caught red pawed...no way to blame that cat at that point!

  10. Badger Boo, didn't that awful cat come and shove that on your nose and run? Max says he saw the WHOLE thing on Skype and is willing to testify!

  11. look what all the e numbers in this stuff has done to my eyes! RAWR

  12. Very Cute :) Once Jet got caught with his entire head stuck in the bin lid so don't be to embarrassed badger :) From Milo & Jet

  13. Radioactive dog strikes again!

  14. Ah caught in the act! better look next time x

  15. Haha! Our dog used to get into all sorts of food and look at us as if to say 'What? It wasn't me!'

  16. Rub a dub dub one dog in a tub!


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