28 February 2025

Spring has Sprung (almost)

After all the dreary weather things have taken a much needed turn for the better down here in the South of England, this past week has been so sunny that it feels as if Spring has arrived early this year

When heading to the allotment to start digging in the beds and prepare them for planting I was so pleased to spot a small patch of early Crocus at the side of the road with their delicate purple flowers poking up through the grass to brighten our day
Once the Crocus and Daffodils start to bloom it really lifts the mood knowing that Winter will soon be but a distant memory 

Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel laying on a patch of grass at the side of the road with his head facing towards the camera behind a dozen purple Crocus flowers who's colour really pops against his black coat
Image Description - Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel laying on a patch of grass at the side of the road with his head facing towards the camera behind a dozen purple Crocus flowers who's colour really pops against his black coat


This year didn't get off to a great start, first with the whole scaffolding debacle which was then closely followed by a complete nightmare when the Gas Safe engineer we've used previously came to do the yearly service of the heating and boiler at mum and dads house. Without warning the engineer disconnected

09 February 2025

My Sunday Photos

I used to love doing the Silent Sunday blog hop every week, without fail I'd been sitting there at midnight on a Saturday night along with many others waiting for the linky to go live and when it did we were off

Head and shoulders shot of a very wet Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel in the woods, his ears are heavy with water and he's wearing his green fleece jumper as he looks at the camera
Image Description - Head and shoulders shot of a very wet Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel in the woods, his ears are heavy with water and he's wearing his green fleece jumper as he looks at the camera 
I've said it before that because of having had such a long break we've lost contact with so

07 February 2025

I couldn't make this up!

Why do things always go wrong at the weekend

I arrived at mum and dad's on a Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago to discover my parents are effectively trapped inside their property with no means of leaving it for any upcoming appointments or in the event of an emergency 

The local council had put scaffolding up in the alleyway without any prior notice or consultation with myself about the access or egress required and have totally blocked mum and dads only wheelchair accessibl route into and out of their property since mum had her stroke and dad became immobile after breaking his hip

The support poles for the scaffolding were so close together that

22 December 2024

Round up of 2024

What a year it's been here at Crazy Towers I've achieved the square root nothing, I didn't even have the time to get down to our allotment to prepare the beds and plant all my seedlings so no home grown vegetables this year, to add insult to injury the birds stripped the plum and cherry trees bare of fruit so we had none of those either, the only thing l did succeed in growing were some spectacularly tall weeds

Image Descriptions - Head shot of Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel and Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel sitting outside in our garden, both are wearing red Santa hats tipped at a jaunty angle looking and the still with a white pop tipped forward between their eyes too o look adorably cute

Thankfully I was given a pass for this years allotment inspection, but if I don't plant it up next year I could

15 December 2024

Eko Update

Boy oh boy was I recently lulled into a false sense of security, one minute all was going well with Eko in his recovery on his new low fat diet then BOOM, when getting up one night to visit the smallest room in the house I stepped into a cold wet puddle

Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel sitting in the boot of my car wearing a green drying coat to keep him warm as it was all I had in the car when I collected him from the vets still wearing a cannula in his front leg after a day visit requiring fluids
Image Description - Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel sitting in the boot of my car wearing a green drying coat to keep him warm as it was all I had in the car when I collected him from the vets still wearing a cannula in his front leg after a day visit requiring fluids
I cursed assuming it was urine from one of the dogs that I'd not heard asking to go out and hopped my way to the